Middle East Airlines resumes flights from Beirut to Abu Dhabi
Lebanese passengers accorded a warm welcome by wellness ambassadors
Abu Dhabi Airports has welcomed Lebanese travellers arriving at Abu Dhabi International Airport (AUH) with special gifts upon their disembarkation from Middle East Airlines (MEA) flight ME418.
The arriving travellers were greeted by AUH’s Wellness Ambassadors, in celebration of the arrival of the first MEA flight since March.
In line with the gradual resumption of commercial flights at Abu Dhabi International Airport, Middle East Airlines has resumed its flights between Beirut, Lebanon and the UAE capital.
Abu Dhabi International Airport has implemented a range of health and safety measures including a team of specially trained Wellness Ambassadors to support passengers by answering common questions relating to keeping healthy during travel, encouraging social distancing, monitoring the regular sanitisation of surfaces, communicating testing and isolation procedures, and providing hand sanitiser and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves to passengers.
Abu Dhabi International Airport has also introduced touch-less elevator technology as well as SterixGate sterilisation booths designed to safely disinfect a person within as little as three seconds.
Other new technologies and precautionary measures deployed at the airport include thermal scanning cameras that incorporate the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and cameras with facial recognition capabilities and heat motion sensors.