Saudi ministry launches Cultural Policies Lab to address sector challenges
The Ministry of Culture launched the Cultural Policies Lab, an interactive platform, to keep pace with the accelerating cultural movement locally and globally.
The lab will enable those interested and workers in the cultural sectors by engaging them to submit proposals that address current challenges and obstacles, or proposals that contribute to achieving future aspirations.
The ministry will start receiving applications for participation in the film sector, which is the first cultural sector targeted through the newly established lab, to be followed by other cultural sectors. It called on those interested and willing to participate to register via the e-platform.
The platform allows experts and practitioners from individuals and institutions in the film sector to participate in the laboratory through several tracks aimed at developing the filmmaking environment in the Kingdom.
Through the launch of the Cultural Policies Lab, the ministry seeks to stimulate and increase the effectiveness of the system of cultural sectors by designing emergency intervention solutions or presenting innovative ideas. Also, it will help to identify challenges and opportunities from the perspective of practitioners, and collecting ideas and solutions by experts and specialists to support the ministry’s efforts in developing different cultural fields.