34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Kazakhstan
The UK delivers statement on Kazakhstan at the 34th UPR, encouraged by Kazakhstan’s action to reduce prison population and improve prison conditions.
The United Kingdom is encouraged by the Government of Kazakhstan’s action to reduce prison population, improve prison conditions and thoroughly investigate instances of torture. These changes are vital to ensure the strengthening of the rule of law and democracy.
We remain concerned that libel remains a criminal offence and libel charges are used to control the media and restrict freedom of expression of journalists. We are concerned that political parties, public associations, religious organisations and other civil society institutions find it difficult to register and operate legally.
We support Kazakhstan’s resolve to combat corruption, which is linked to many human rights violations and abuses.
We recommend that Kazakhstan:
1.In line with ILO standards, implement legislation to protect freedom of association and peaceful assembly, and define and criminalise all slavery and slavery-like practices, including domestic servitude, and forced and bonded labour.
2.Accept OSCE recommendations on the electoral system in preparation for the next parliamentary elections.
3.Implement urgently the UNCRC to protect children from sexual violence and early marriage.