Zulfi businessman defamed for violating license rules for discount sale
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Commerce has defamed a facility owner for violating the terms and conditions of the discount sale.
The businessman owns an outlet selling motor oil in Al-Zulfi governorate. A court issued a verdict condemning the man for violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law by not complying with the terms and conditions of the discount sale. He was accused of offering discounts without obtaining a license for the purpose.
The ministry published a summary of the ruling issued by the criminal court in Riyadh. In addition to defaming the businessman by publishing the verdict against him in two newspapers at his own expense, the court also imposed a financial fine on him.
The ministry has set up a service that enables sellers to electronically obtain licenses related to discount sales in commercial establishments. The service aims to combat fake offers to mislead the consumer.
The ministry also carries out inspection tours to monitor compliance by trading establishments with the terms and conditions for conducting commercial offers and discounts.
The ministry urged all consumers, in case they detect violations, to submit their reports through the Balagh Tijari app, or through the call center number 1900, or via its official website.