Rick Sanchez examines the long list of countries the US has sanctioned and explains how, while once a very big deal requiring acts of Congress and involving fierce national debate, they’re now leveled as routinely as parking tickets. How did they become so prevalent and to what extent do they constitute part of Washington’s “influence campaigns” abroad? “On Contact” host Chris Hedges, former naval intelligence officer John Jordan and former UK MP George Galloway share their insights.
Twenty-one year old Robert Aaron Ron is suspected in a shooting spree in Atlanta, killing eight women across three Asian massage parlors in and around Atlanta, Georgia. He claims that he suffers from a “sex addiction” and wanted to remove his temptation to patronize the establishments, which are infamous as fronts for prostitution and human traffficking. He was en route to Florida to murder more women at the time of his arrest. RT America’s John Huddy reports. Then "In Question" host Manila Chan weighs in on the crime and places it in the context of the current uptick in anti-Asian discrimination and violence.
Rhetoric is intensifying in Congress and on Main Street from both sides of the debate over whether to raise the federal minimum wage to $15. Proponents of the wage hike say it will help the economy and improve the well-being of families and communities across the US. Opponents worry it will depress the economy and lead to job loss. RT America's Trinity Chavez reports. Then Saru Jayaraman, president of One Fair Wage, shares her insights.