SR1000 maximum fine for throwing waste from windows of vehicles or buildings
Fines ranging between SR200 and SR1,000 will be imposed on persons, who throw waste while walking or through the windows of vehicles or buildings, according to the provisions of the executive bylaw of the Waste Management Law.
The National Center for Waste Management (MWAN) has finalized the table containing the classification of various violations of the Waste Management Law and its executive regulations, as well as the penalties and fines for the violations.
The table contains details of various violations and the penalties for them. The details are available on the Public Consultation Platform (Istitlaa), which is the unified electronic platform affiliated with the National Competitiveness Center.
The platform enables the public to express their views and feedback on the provisions of the draft regulations.
The center stated that those who dig up waste containers, scatter their contents, and take out recyclable waste will be punished with a minimum fine of SR1,000 and a maximum of SR10,000.
Those who throw construction waste on third parties’ land or public places will be punished with a fine that may reach up to SR50,000.
Fines will be up to SR20,000 in the event of non-removal of waste resulting from construction, renovation or demolition works.
Anyone who disposes of residential waste of large sizes, such as mattresses, pieces of furniture, and the like, in places not designated for them and at times not designated for areas, will be slapped with a fine of up to SR1,000.
The same fine will be imposed if the green waste is disposed of in places not designated for it or around the containers.
A maximum fine of SR10 million will be imposed in the event that waste is transported or allowed to be transferred to a service provider or waste management facility for the purpose of disposal without making sure of its legal permission in receiving waste.
The center has set a minimum of SR5,000 and a maximum of SR20,000 fine for a violation of non-removal of waste resulting from construction or demolition work, as well as waste disposal in flood passages and valleys, wells or beaches, or in sewage networks or rainwater drainage networks.
The maximum fine will be SR50,000 for dumping construction or demolition waste on the lands of others or public places.
The center will impose a fine of a minimum of SR10,000 and a maximum of SR100,000 in the event of non-compliance with the center’s regulations and requirements regarding the separation of hazardous waste and healthcare waste at the source, as well as in the case of waste transport vehicles.
The same fine will be imposed on waste collection and transportation service providers in the event of failure to comply with the center’s regulations with regard to the system for tracking waste transport vehicles; destroying, disabling, or changing the settings of the tracking device installed on the vehicle, and placing containers for unauthorized parties in public places.