Saeed University launches “Content Network for Youth” initiative
Saeed University, a leading national and regional educational institute in the field of educational innovation, launched the “Admission Network for Youth” which mentored and trained 41 male and female students over the summer as experts and experts in creating awareness.
Youth about the social integration of determined people. The initiative, prepared by the Department of Student Facilities at Saeed University, falls within the activities of the Federal Youth Authority’s Summer Camp 2022, which aims to enhance the preparedness of the youth by arming them with advanced skills during the summer vacation.
To introduce them to the basics, expand their ideas and improve the culture of the community members. The camp features more than 200 programs including workshops, talks, cultural and artistic programs, workshops and live tours.
The Department of Student Facilities at Saeed University recently organized a workshop at the Ministry of Culture and Youth which brought together students to create awareness about various members of the community using interactive methods and various activities where the youth experienced true stories to learn.
Members of society, especially committed people. Professor Clayton McKenzie, Vice-Chancellor and Head of Academic Affairs at Zayed University, said: “We are delighted to see our students giving back to their communities through such interactive initiatives embraced by Emirati youth and sponsors.” The initiative aims to attract students from schools, universities, youth centers and peer groups between the ages of 15 and 30, and provide tools and technology to the youth. Emirati youth can contribute to the increasing demands to participate in the admissions network and to fulfill these demands. In the future in the UAE and the region.