Islamic Affairs Minister directs imams to devote upcoming Friday sermon to dangers of drugs
The Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance Sheikh Dr. Abdullatif Al-Sheikh has directed mosque imams and preachers to devote the upcoming Friday sermon (khutba) to warn against the dangers of drugs.
The minister's directive is meant to raise the awareness among the public about the dangers of all of its drugs and to explain the harms they cause to individuals and society at large.
Al-Sheik said people should be made aware of the prohibition of drugs during the sermon, and the imams must drive home the importance of cooperating with security authorities and supporting their efforts by reporting drug dealers, smugglers and accomplices.
The minister also pointed out the importance of urging families to pay attention to their children and educate them about drugs of all kinds and names, including the deadly narcotic substance methamphetamine, which is also known as Shabu, so that the they will not fall victims to drug pushers who try to exploit them by all means.
Saudi Arabia is continuing its ruthless war on drugs. As part of this battle, the Kingdom has launched a campaign aimed at combating the spread of drugs, foiling attempts to smuggle in drugs and eliminating the sources of financing this scourge, which targets certain age groups, mostly the young generation.