Global cooperation, shared responsibilities key to tackling global refugee, migrant crisis
Global cooperation and the sharing of responsibilities were essential in tackling the global refugee and migrant crisis, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said.
In a statement on Sunday to mark International Migrants Day, the Egyptian government highlighted its approach to hosting 9 million refugees and migrants.
The annual awareness event aims of highlight the rights and challenges of migrants and their contribution to the communities in which they live.
The ministry said that partnerships with countries of origin, transit, and destination, as well as regional and multilateral organizations, were required to ensure the establishment of clear and fair rules on asylum and migration, the reduction of forced displacement, and the promotion of integration.
This in turn, it added, led to the promotion of tolerance and the spread of a culture of peace, understanding, and acceptance of others.
The ministry statement noted the importance of addressing the root causes of illegal immigration and the need to empower youth and adapt their skills to the requirements of internal and external job markets.
Egypt’s strategy on migration was linked to related international treaties, and the statement pointed out that refugees arriving in Egypt had found the country to be a safe haven, offering them basic services and freedom of movement.
In accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and in line with its international commitments, the Egyptian government had set up a national coordinating committee for combating and preventing illegal immigration and people trafficking, and through legislation aimed to raise awareness of the issues and help support the work of agencies.
According to the UN, although migrants and displaced people were among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in society, they were often found to be a source of prosperity, innovation, and sustainable development in their countries of origin and transit as well as host nations.
The International Organization for Migration has estimated that more than 35,000 migrants had died or disappeared since 2014 with most disappearances thought to have occurred during detention, deportation, or because of people trafficking.