Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has approved Egypt’s accession to the African Union Convention for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption.
The 2003 agreement, signed in Maputo, Mozambique, aims to encourage and strengthen measures by African states to prevent, punish and eradicate corruption and related crimes in the public and private sectors.
It also seeks to strengthen, facilitate and regulate cooperation among states to ensure the effectiveness of measures for preventing corruption and related crimes in Africa, as well as and harmonizing and streamlining policy aimed at corruption on the continent.
The principles of the agreement include respect for democratic principles and institutions, citizen participation, the rule of law and good governance, respect for human rights in accordance with the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, transparency in public affairs and the promotion of social justice.
Ghada Wali, Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna, said that Egypt will host the largest anti-corruption conference in the world next year, and will increase efforts in fighting the crime.
She added in an interview on Al-Hayat TV that Egypt has a plan to combat drugs and terrorism.
Last December, Egypt submitted its voluntary report to the African Peer Review Mechanism, a voluntary mechanism for reviewing and evaluating the performance of member states.
The Administrative Control Authority received the review delegation for the mechanism and was briefed on the efforts of Egypt’s National Anti-Corruption Academy of the Authority.