Defense Ministry official highlights challenges facing nations after information explosion
The College of Command and Staff of the Saudi Armed Forces hosted Abdullrahman Al-Sultan, Director General of the General Directorate of Strategic Communication in the Ministry of Defense (MoD), as part of its guest lecturer program series, to speak on the concepts of strategic communication and its role in military organizations.
Al-Sultan highlighted some contemporary models and the challenges facing nations today in light of the information explosion due to the tremendous development of means of communication and the threat of information operations directed from abroad to manipulate public opinion that influences decision-making.
He spoke about the importance, role, and relationship of strategic communication in various operations and tasks in military organizations, citing international practices that position strategic communication as the primary dissemination tool by an institution to fulfill its mission.
Major General Mohammed Al-Ruwaili, Commandant of the Saudi Armed Forces Command and Staff College (SAF CSC) welcomed Al-Sultan, emphasizing the significance and function of strategic communication in achieving goals and conveying strategic missions.
The College of Command and Staff of the Saudi Armed Forces is hosting visiting lecturers, as part of the 48th session of the Master of Military Sciences program, to benefit from the practical experiences of guests. The imminent lecturers included top officials from ministries and government agencies, as well as from overseas.