CNN Director Admits on video that they faked Trump and Biden coverage as a “propaganda” to “take down Trump”.
CNN Director: “[Trump’s] hand was shaking...We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation -- that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it...We were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about...I think that’s propaganda.”
While we all know that during the US election the media has been orchestrated against democracy, this is the first time we can listen and watch it on a direct confession from the horse mouth.
What we lost as a result of this mafia-style assess nation of presidency is not only the trust on the media, but the trust in democracy.
I wonder if assassinating the democracy is what freedom of press meant too be.
I didn’t want Trump to win (or to lose) I tough both candidates had extremely good and extremely bad point. But the lose of trust on the media, big tech and democracy all together is worse than anything Trump could do in his second term, if the elections was fair.