Responding to questions in the House of Assembly recently, Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley said: “In the Spring semester which began on January 7 and ended on May 31 2019, there were 528 students enrolled. Of that amount, 424 students received free tuition benefits.”
That figure represents some 80 percent of the student population last academic year.
The Education Minister said the TAP is a rule given by an executive council since 2006. The policy makes BVIslanders and Belongers eligible for free tuition.
The minister further said the college also extends free tuition to naturalized citizens.
Notably, all students are required to produce their original and current citizen document when applying for enrollment at the educational institution.
He explained that 62 students had Belonger cards, 190 had BVI passports, one had a naturalization certificate, and 171 had a United Kingdom passport with the BVI stated as their place of birth.