33% of citizens believe vegetation cover's deterioration is caused by human behavior
Thirty-Three percent of Saudi citizens around the Kingdom believe that the deterioration of vegetation cover is caused by human behavior, according to a public opinion poll carried out by the National Center for Public Opinion Surveys under King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue.
The National Center has conducted the public opinion poll on afforestation in Saudi Arabia, with a participation of 2,098 Saudi citizens, 77% of them being males and 23% females. It revealed that 76% of the citizens around the Kingdom have heard about the Green Saudi Initiative.
The National Center also revealed the most common reasons that citizens believe to be the reason for the deterioration of vegetation cover in the areas in which they live.
The first reason cited was climate change, with a percentage of 55%, then, 33% believing human behavior, while 5% believing that it is because of mining activities, and 3% believing in the large increase in the number of the livestock.
As for the regard of afforestation benefits, 22% of citizens believe that it has social benefits such as enhancing the quality of life, health, and entertainment.
Sixty-nine percent of citizens think that afforestation has environmental benefits, such as softening the weather, reducing dust and adjusting soil’s quality.
While 9% believes that afforestation has economic benefits, as it would activate eco-tourism, provide job opportunities in the local communities in addition to increasing the medical and food products.
Citizens also evaluated the family's participation in the efforts of afforestation of the city or village in the Kingdom in which they reside. 21% of them see the efforts that were implemented in afforestation as high, 32% of them see the efforts as moderate, while 47% of them see the efforts them as low.