Saudi Arabia's Family Affairs Council Advocates for Women's Empowerment at G20 Working Group in Brazil
The Family Affairs Council represented Saudi Arabia at the Women's Empowerment Working Group of the G20 in Brazil.
Dr. Maimoonah Khalil Al Khalil, the council's Secretary-General and Saudi delegation head, spoke and participated in discussions on equality, economic independence, care economy, violence and discrimination against women, and climate justice during the three sessions.
The meetings, themed "Building a Fair and Sustainable Planet," took place on May 13-14.
The Family Affairs Council of Saudi Arabia participates in the G20's Women's Empowerment Working Group, which began its activities under the Brazilian presidency in 2024.
Previously initiated under the Indian presidency in 2023, this group aims to empower women and aligns with the EMPOWER initiative.
Launched following the 2019 Osaka Summit, EMPOWER evolved into a working group in April 2020, with its inaugural meeting chaired by Saudi Arabia.