Ambassadors and diplomatic corps celebrates the International Mother Language Day -IMLD in Riyadh
International Mother Language Day has been observed at the Embassy of Bangladesh in Riyadh with a number of events with fervor and solemnity on 21st February.
In the afternoon, a discussion meeting by the participation of the Ambassadors, members of diplomatic corps, OIC representative was organized followed by cultural performances by the children at the Embassy. Commerce Minister of Bangladesh Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP was present as Chief Guest. Secretary General of Saudi Arabia National Commission for education, culture and science Mr. Ahmed Alblihed attended the event. OIC Director for Cultural, Social and Family affairs Dr. Lhoucine Rhazoui joined the program as special guests. Dean of the Diplomatic corps and Djibouti Ambassador Mr. Dya Eddin Said Bamakharama, Ambassador of India Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, Nigerian Ambassador Mr. Yahaya Lawal and CDA of Spain MR. Ricardo Mor Sola also spoke at the discussion as special guests.
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi spoke about the language movement and the Great Liberation War to the guests present at the event. He remembers language martyrs with deep respect. The Minister of Commerce described the contribution of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the language movement and the great liberation war. He said that the Bengali people sacrificed their life to protect the rights of mother tongue which is rare in the history of the world.
Ambassador of Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia Dr. Mohammad Javed Patwary BPM (Bar) in his welcome speech mentioned the sacrifices of the heroic martyrs of the language movement of 1952 for preserving and upholding the rights of the mother language. The Ambassador also said many languages are disappearing from the world along with the relevant cultural heritage. He called upon all to come forward for the protection of languages.
Speakers of the event emphasized the importance of learning in mother tongue to protect the language and to promote cultural diversity. They called upon all to promote cultural heritage as well as maintain cultural diversity by increasing the practice of languages by the respective communities. The speakers lauded Bangladesh's contribution for the recognition of 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. Speakers said that the diversity of language and culture is strength for any nation.
The students from Bangladesh International Schools in Riyadh performed a group dance and a chorus. Nearly forty diplomats including Ambassadors attended the event. A documentary on the Day and a song of Language movement in 12 different languages were displayed.
In the morning, Ambassador Md. Javed Patwary hoisted the national flag half-mast. Afterwards the Ambassador with officials paid homage to the language martyrs at the Shaheed Minar at the Embassy premises. The community people and different organisations and institutions laid wreaths as well.